Tuesday, May 8, 2012

358 Reasons to Leave Itunes Now

So as a "fan" of Google I decided to give Google Play a shot.  With Google Play comes Google Music. OK I thought to myself another music market, "I don't care" I thought...

Well as someone who has been playing Pandora radio for the past 6 years, I think I might actually come back to the world of actually buying music.  Why? Because Google Music finally has given me what I have been wanting all of this time.  I don't want to organize music and download it from device to the next and worry about deleting my paid songs because I was not logged in or whatever.  I just want access to what is mine.. right?

So now I can simply buy a song on Itunes (or amazon, google music, or wherever else) and then upload it to my Google Music Account and then I have access to that song from any internet capable device on the planet.  I didn't even need to pay Google for the pleasure of this either. The cap on the number of songs? 20,000. 

Not sold yet?  I have been going back infrequently to Google Music to download their free song of the day.  Which, I know is nothing new.  However, today, Google Music asked me if I wanted free music and asked me to select some genres I enjoyed. So several genres of music later I now have 358 free songs courtesy of them.  No clicking, agreeing, emailing, no.  I like these genres, boom here are several hundred songs.

Other reasons? Listen offline, share with your friends easily and give them a free listen, it's free.

Still not convinced?  Well, then you are just being difficult. It's time you uploaded your songs to Google Music and listened to music the way you have been wanting to your whole life!

For some free music to get you started, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Spotted new music this morning! https://play.google.com/store/music/collection/series_overview_theme_2012_12_08?feature=banner#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDIwMSwibXVzaWMtZWRpdG9yaWFsX3RvcF9mZWF0dXJlZF9tdWx0aV9fXzFfcHJvbW9fMTMzNjY3NTM2MDQ2OSJd&purchaseButton=X9nu8BG74Mb8NkGPvT8it2XFAxY%3D
